Slam City Oracles is a rambunctious, riot grrrl, Katamari-meets-Grand Theft Auto physics game, in which you and a friend slam onto the world around you to cause as much chaos as possible in two minutes. Your score is based on the number of objects you send flying at a given time. The harder you slam something, the more likely it is to go spinning and flying away–and that velocity is directly tied to the score it gives you. So slam as much stuff as hard as you can!

About the author(s)

Jane Friedhoff is a riot grrrl game designer who loves making games that create new, delightful, and absurd relationships between players. She graduated with her MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons in 2013. She co-founded the Code Liberation Foundation, which provides free, trans-inclusive, women-only game programming classes. Her portfolio includes Slam City Oracles, 2nd Amendment, and Scream 'Em Up. Her games have been shown at Babycastles, No Quarter, Come Out and Play, Indiecade, GDC, and E3, and her academic work has been published in DiGRA. If a project involves screaming, awkwardness, or dance parties, she’s probably into it.

Jenny Jiao Hsia is currently finishing up her BFA in Game Design at the NYU Game Center. She has been making games since 2013 and her work has been featured at festivals including the IGF, IndieCade, and Fantastic Arcade. Her games are silly and can be spelled out pretty easily in emoji.

Additional resources

Slam City Oracles

Team SCO
