A magical realist fable set in rural Iceland circa 1900 about a young girl who suffers from night terrors trying to regain control of her life as it begins to spin rapidly into desolation. Drawing on Icelandic folklore and literature, the game paints a pastoral image of death, grief, and longing. An interactive fiction game featuring music by Solai and the Super Marcato Bros.

About the author(s)


Niamh Schönherr is a writer, game maker, and critic from Chicago. She has written for ZEAL, was a Game Chef 2015 finalist, and presented her work at the Queerness and Games Conference. Much of her work in games focuses on issues of care—both care for others and one's self—and often belies her deep interest in things outside games, such as food, history, and Icelandic music. Her name reflects her close ties to Germany and Ireland, and it's okay if you're not sure how to pronounce it. She kind of likes it that way.

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Niamh Schönherr
