Our work seeks to treat the phenomenon of [that which must not be named] as a sociological object of study, and to develop an analysis of the psychology of participants in this hate group, within the broader context of extreme reactionary movements in general.
In an attempt to push our understanding beyond a surface behavioural account of how movements like [that which must not be named] operate, we attempt to “commit sociology” and to draw out in detail the ways in which the psyche of the [that which must not be named] subject, and the more general cultural trends that it represents, are a product of identifiable social processes and institutions which are fundamental to the root structural organization of our society and its ideological complex.
About the presenters

Carolyn Jong is a graduate student in the interdisciplinary Humanities PhD program at Concordia University, where she studies modding, immaterial labour, alternative game communities, and participatory culture. As a member of the Technoculture, Art, and Games Research Centre, she has been involved in projects exploring learning and gestural games, moral decision-making in digital role-playing games, and intersectionality in gaming cultures. She has also worked on several independent game projects, and is an active participant in Montreal’s local games community. In 2013 she completed an MA in Media Studies at Concordia. Her thesis consisted of a close reading of the role-playing game, Dragon Age: Origins, and the connection between neoliberal ideology, morality, and questing systems.