Soteria –Dreams as Currency is a Game for Mental Health, aimed at promoting players’ readiness to use effective strategies to overcome anxiety disorders.

About the author(s)


Led by creative director Doris C. Rusch and comprised of DePaul undergrad and grad students as well as recent alumni, the Play 4 Change team is dedicated to the creation of personally and socially impactful, transformative projects. We emphasize aesthetic and conceptual coherence across every game aspect, leveraging narrative elements, game mechanics, systems-, level-, and sound design, voice acting as well as art to produce meaningful experiences that are bigger than the sum of their parts. As a team, we do not solely concentrate on the end-result, crunching towards a “ship date”, but also on the journey: we mentor each other, seek exchange with experts outside the lab, collaborate, strive to learn, grow, expand our minds, empower our players, build community, push the medium, and have fun. We play for change. We are family.

Additional resources

Soteria – Dreams as Currency

Doris C. Rusch, DePaul University, Play 4 Change lab
