About the presenters
Jen Jenson is a Professor of Pedagogy and Technology in the Faculty of Education at York University. She has written about and designed games for almost 20 years, always in collaboration with fabulous folks. Some of her most recent work has been putting game design technologies in the hands of kids, helping them to make games, and especially supporting the technological endeavours of girls and women. She is currently the Principal Investigator for a Canadian government funded Partnership Grant, Re-Figuring Innovation in Games (www.refig.ca).
Suzanne de Castell is Professor Emeritus at Simon Fraser University and she has written on literacy, schooling, epistemology, queer theory and digital games, among many other things. Her current work explores whether and how people “learn” when playing commercial off the shelf games, including how 3-D games can positively impact spatial reasoning. In addition, she has designed games for learning, including one that focused on health crises brought about during an epidemic, Contagion.