“Take Care”, is a game jam that is focused on making games on the theme of “online violence” with a focus on participants’ personal wellness. Online violence is a serious topic and we did not approach this task lightly, and to run this event in a way that would satisfy everyone (funders, participants, etc.) required a lot of careful planning and discussion over several months. In this presentation, we will share how we designed the jam centered around the principles of respect and care, both during the jam and afterwards. We will talk about our approach to handling our main concerns (e.g. mitigating harm), discuss what worked and what didn’t, and also share participant feedback on Take Care. By sharing our careful thought process, designs, and failures with the Different Games audience, we are contributing to a body of knowledge of both “serious game jams”, as well as the role of self-care and wellness during intense periods of media production, regardless of the theme!

About the presenters

Stephanie Fisher is a PhD candidate in York University's Language, Culture and Teaching program. Broadly, her research interests include critical inquiry into young people's use of new media and information communication technologies, the cultivation of new media literacies in formal and informal learning contexts, participatory culture and DIY citizenship, feminist pedagogy, serious game design, and critical inquiry into the design and implementation of community-run gender-equity initiatives.